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MASH - Berry Sellerie

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Mash Motorcycles is a french brand. Firstly, motorbikes are developed to Beaune and then maded in China. 

Its thanks to SIMA, motorbike importation and accessories company, if its brand exist. 

Its after the death of his founder Marcel Seurat in 2004, that the company management will be recovery by Frédéric Fourgeaud and Dominique Delsart. They continue the importation and the delivery of motorbike in France and Europe.

Frédéric Fourgeaud make a fresh start to SIMA in creating his own motorbike brand. 

It's in 2011 that Mash Motorcycles see the light of day. 

Then, it's in 2012 that the brand reveal it officially during the profesionnal show JMPS in Lyon. 

In the stand of SIMA, we can find a little orange motorbike 125 which set the tone that what will suggest Mash, that is motorbike a little expensive with a vintage style.

In 2014, Mash become the most big seller of motorbike 125 in France. Its during this same year that the brand developp his offer with monocylinder of 250 cm3 to 400 cm3. She will suggested scooters and sidecar.

In 2019, the brand cross a new stape and add to his range a monocylinder of 650 cm3.

After 10 years of experiences, Mash will sell almost 60 000 motorbikes and scooters, whose the half for export, especially in Europe, in 26 different countries. 

Bike MASH model(s)